Thursday, March 26, 2009


If you are a leader that graduated college in the last millennium, read this blog article from the online WSJ. It has some interesting points about what the facebook generation is expecting from leaders. One concept is the 'servant leader'. It is about using credible arguments, demonstrated expertise and selfless behavior to lead people.

If you are interested in the topic, there are two books ironically entitled, Servant Leader and The Servant Leader. If you do nothing else check out the article. If you are adventuresome, read one of the books. I read The Servant Leader twenty years ago and found it very useful.

Cheers, Mike


  1. Mike, I sent this around via some DoD channels, which really pissed off the brass. They expect everyone to behave in the early 60s, ala the fictional village of Stepford or MadMen.

    I quote GEN Shinseki, now retired and confirmed as VA Secretary...

    "if you dislike change, you're going to dislike irrelevance even more."

  2. Stephen, to get back in their good graces I will post on Col. Tom Kolditz's book, Extremis Leadership.

